Welcome Charlie!

Gemma and Charlie's birth story is the fourth birth story in Mammy Poppins' 'Welcome Birth Stories'.  I am so excited to share this story with you as it had me buckled up laughing out loud!  Not to mention the goose bumps I get when I read these... I'm sure it will have the same effect on you!!  Sit down and buckle up... you're in for a treat!!

 one big release                a lush sensation           mood lighting            calm music

Looking back my birth story started on a Wednesday evening a week before my due date. That morning I'd been to the dentist to have a filling and I'm convinced that's what kick started my contractions, though I did not know at the time they were contractions. I'd been nesting for the last few weeks, getting everything ready, washing all the baby clothes and doing odd jobs round the house. That evening I'd asked my dad to come round to give Simon, my husband, a hand to put together the nursery cupboard.  As I was supervising the construction, I felt a pulling sensation in my belly, not like the kicks I'd been used to (Our baby was like a little ninja in my belly, constantly high kicking me in the ribs) This was similar to the cramps you get when you're having your period. So I asked Mam;
 'Do you think these are contractions?' she goes 'nah it's probably something you ate.'

I thought no more of it and just took a paracetamol and went to bed. I had a lot of cramping aches through the night but managed eventually to go to sleep. Thursday morning came and I felt fine. However I went to the toilet, and there IT was, the so called plug. It was just as the books had described it, a bloody mucus. I thought to myself don't panic your plug can come away and you can go another week without going into labour. It was only later that afternoon when I came back from walking the dog that the cramps started back and when Simon came home from work I warned him that this could be it.
I phoned the Midwife just to explain what was happening and she said what I was describing  sounds like contractions. She said wait until the contractions come every five minutes, and if I was in pain to take paracetamol and have a bath.

That's what I did, I just chilled out in the bath, feeling excited that this could be the night, talking and rubbing my belly saying "I can't wait to meet you." 
I came out of the bath and in my PJ's spent the evening sitting on my gym ball bouncing through the waves of contractions.
I placed a sanitary mat underneath me on the ball just in case my waters broke whilst on there, and thank goodness I did. As I was bouncing with the motion of my body and feeling like a goddess, I felt a gush between my legs, I thought oh no these are my waters and then I just let it go...
...liquid just flowed and flowed like a waterfall from within me...

I told Simon I think my waters have just gone, so he helped me get up off the ball, I looked round to the mat and slowly came to the realisation it wasn't my waters,
I'd just wet myself! 
How embarrassing, I couldn't believe it! But Simon being the gent just shrugged it off and said "there is worse to come so don't worry about it."

Anyway throughout that night I was ringing the midwife letting her know the contractions were getting stronger and closer together, but she kept changing the goal posts of when I needed to be admitted, from saying one every five minutes to saying three contractions in ten minutes? She was saying that I sound fine, like I was coping and I should only come in if the pain becomes unbearable.
But all I wanted was to be checked over for re-assurance.

In the morning the contractions were really strong and I'd had no sleep I just wanted to go to the hospital, Simon stayed off work and kept me calm. I kept phoning the Midwife asking should I come in now, but once again the midwife's advice was to take a bath, which I did about 10 o'clock, and whilst in the bath the contractions stopped.
I could not believe it, I felt gutted. I just spent the day feeling down, then Simon suggested walking the dog. About an hour after returning home, hallelujah they started back!

We spent the evening timing them and by about midnight I said to Simon bugger it I'm going to lie to the midwife and say yes to whatever she asks just to be seen and checked over as I couldn't go another night without sleep. As we made our way to the hospital the contractions got closer and closer, and I was so glad we left when we did because upon being examined  I was already 4cm dilated. 

The Midwife Led Unit in Carmarthen is amazing.

I was very lucky to be the only person delivering that night so I got the birthing pool, as I'd always visualised. I was offered gas and air which I happily took and loved, it was fabulous. I sat on the birthing ball for a bit then went for a walk, which was nice to get some fresh air, but difficult as I couldn't take my new best friend, gas and air with me.

I used deep breathing techniques and squeezing my husband's arms to get through the contractions whilst outside.

Then when I was 6cm I got in the birthing pool too ride through the motions. I wouldn't say contractions are the worst pain ever, I've had tooth ache which has been more painful, it is just draining as it comes and goes and the intensity builds stronger and stronger.

To try and keep my energy up I knew it was important to eat and drink, and I love grapes, so I ate them. About 7 o'clock my mam and dad turned up and it was like a party in the room...

Mood lighting, calm music, we were ever so excited.

The midwife wanted to examine me so I had to get out of the pool, Dad left and went for a walk as I think he knew the time was coming. I don't know if it was the heat of the pool or the amount of gas and air I'd had but I was about to make a huge mistake...
The Midwife broke my waters, which was a lovely feeling, I just felt this relief, then she said 'you're 10cms and can start pushing now', and that's what I did!
I just pushed!  Totally crazy!! I lost my senses and pushed without a contraction and felt a burning sensation, I'd ripped! If I'd just listened to my body I really don't think I'd have torn.
But no baby came out anyway, I just felt this sharp stingy pain like the baby's head was there but went back up. So as the baby didn't come out I got back in the pool to push, with the contractions this time. However I didn't feel any control down in there. The midwife would say, with her mirror, "nearly there,  keep pushing" but I just didn't feel in control in the pool. In the end, I actually gave birth on the bed. I was in a position which was working for me, with Simon holding one leg, the midwife holding the other, pushing as effectively as I could,  and it was amazing!

When the head came out, and I stopped pushing for a moment to take it all in...
I remember the midwife saying to me 'oooh they've a head of hair, do you want to feel?' and I replied
'Nooooo just get it out!!
It makes me chuckle to think of it now.

The last push is INCREDIBLE

 I felt a lot of fluid come out with the body compared to pushing out the head, and it felt great, just one big release, a lush sensation.
They placed the baby on my chest as I'd as for skin to skin straight away and that's when I saw he was a boy!
Charlie Anthony Jones 10:50am 6lbs 13oz.

It was fantastic I got to see the sex of our baby myself, before being told by someone else. I hadn't even thought about that... who reveals the sex? I would advise anyone having a baby to have a think about finding out the sex of your child yourselves if possible.

I felt so strong, especially having done it only using gas and air. I AM IN TOTAL AWE of nature and how our bodies are designed for birth.  Not to mention how babies just know where to get food from. Charlie went on my boob straight away and he is still going strong there now, months and months on!

After we'd had our time, Simon got to help clean him up with the midwife and I felt overwhelmed with joy and love watching him with Charlie. I will say the stiches were unpleasant, I had gas an air for that and Simon's free hand.
I stayed a night, by choice, in the Midwife Led Unit for breast feeding advice and luckily had one to one care as it was so quiet, it was like staying at a hotel!!

I loved it. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I didn't think it was possible but I love him more and more with each passing day.

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