



Immune Booster      Anti Inflammatory      Reducing Wrinkles     Respiratory Health     Increased Focus      Aches & Pains      Womens Health       Anxiety     Depression                      Acne & Scars            Spiritual & Meditative

I am getting even more holistic in my old age!  I really want to be around as long as possible to enjoy and be happy but also to carry on feeling GREAT and ENERGISED

In our house we view food as medicine and always treat ailments and grogginess naturally (did I mention before how sleep deprived we are?) and minimise the toxins around us. 
Give me prevention over cure any day!

One of my favourite essential oils at the moment is FRANKINCENSE and as you can see from the post picture... the benefits are ENDLESS!

If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!

There are loads of benefits to help our health, but here's just a snippet to get you hooked...!

1. BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM - It is extremely anti inflammatory which is the main cause of illness and disease.  It stimulates the brain, thyroid and pituitary glands which work together to support a healthy immune system.  Making us EXTRA strong to fight off illness & disease with the regeneration of healthy cells.  Due to its anti inflammatory properties, I have noticed my hay fever symptoms reducing!

2. ANTI AGING - Promotes regeneration of healthy cells yet keeping existing cells and tissues healthy.  It can eliminate blemishes, fine lines and generally tighten and tone skin. 

3. WOMENS HEALTH - Reduces PMT symptoms and mood swings.  It helps general uterine health as it regulates cycles.  It also reduces uterine cancer cells.

4. CANCER CELL BUSTING - Frankincense kills cancer cells and increases white blood cells (our little in house defence army).  Frankincense is actually used in treating cancer holistically and actually breaks through the blood brain barrier  - which Chemo does not!

5. BRAIN BOOSTING - As Frankincense breaks through the blood brain barrier, it increases the oxygenation of blood going to the brain and helps the absorption of oxygen and therefore improves memory and cognitive skills.

Do you move to Africa and live in a Boswellia tree house?

Not necessarily...

Here are two ways in which I use Franki baby on a daily basis...

1. SNIFF IT -  Every night I switch on the diffuser in our bedroom and inhale Frankincense overnight.  Anything to improve my husband's memory and reduce "Where's my keys?  Have you seen my wallet? Where's my phone?"   Frankincense is good... I have hope!!
Fill the diffuser with water and then add about 10 drops of pure organic Frankincense oil.  Make sure it is a good quality oil as you don't want to be inhaling toxic stuff! 
It will smell LUSH.
2. TOPICAL - Recently I have taken to making my own moisturiser (less toxins and cheap!) which you may have seen on my INSTA @catjo84.
I always add a few drops of Frankincense for it's anti-aging benefits, lush relaxing smell and the benefits can get absorbed into me through my skin.
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3 million sufferers worldwide


Eczema affects most of us at some point in our lives whether it is ourselves, children or family.  One thing we can all agree on is that it is upsetting and miserable for all involved.  I'm hoping you might find this post useful or use it to help others to stop the misery of living with eczema.

At six months old, baby James developed eczema.  It seemed to develop all of a sudden!  Dry patches at first... then full blown, all over red raw, sore skin.  He had been exclusively breastfed and we had just started introducing complementary foods (no dairy - this is for calves!) 

What on earth had happened to my baby boy's body? 
What the hell do I do now?
We tried all sorts... creams from the GP, including steroid cream antibiotic creams when it was infected, I made my own cream out of organic shea butter and frankincense (which smelled lush mind!) and we bathed him in oats!!  I was at my wits end! 

From my eczema suffering, I knew I didn't want James to become stuck in the GP's cycle of creams, which I knew wouldn't cure the problem - only maintain the situation.

One day, I was whinging to my close friend about Jimmy's skin when she remembered a talk she had listened to in a conference and managed to find me the details of 'the eczema man'.  She briefly told me what the talk was about and how he had a fantastic success rate at ending eczema for adults and babies, but with NO CREAMS! 
I was interested.  I e-mailed him.  He replied. 
And now James has no eczema!  Woo Hoo! 

 Here's the story...

I sent a brief e-mail to Dr Harley describing James' skin and was wondering if he could help us, after all I had nothing to  lose!  He replied promptly saying that he would help us!  I was so happy and relieved that somebody thought they could help our little boy.  Dr Harley pointed me in the direction of his website where there are short videos explaining the EXeczema programme and if I was happy he would send us the products.  I was keen to get moving quickly so I watched all the videos in one go whilst doing the ironing.  Within a week Harley had the EXeczema products sent to us and I had started reading his book.  Harley wanted us to send daily photos of Jimmy's skin so that he could monitor the progress and this was the most difficult part of curing James' eczema!  He was soooo wriggly!

What we did...

Every day for about 2 weeks we used the foam wash in the shower and rinsing off with clean water, repeating this process a handful of times.  Then, once the skin had been dried, apply the gel emollient or the foam emollient (not pictured above).

It was THAT simple!
Most of Harley's success comes in about 14 days (which is half the time for cell growth and replacement)
If you'd like to hear me talking about curing Jimmy's eczema and our journey with Dr Harley then click here
Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 9

DAY 14

I honestly could not believe the improvement in just 2 weeks!

A brief overview of Harley's Science...

  1. If your skin flares up, your immune system works fine - this is your skin's way of saying NO to something and communicating with you.
  2. There are lots of chemicals in the stuff prescribed by the GP.  They 'smother' the skin rather than letting the skin breathe, therefore they are hindering the skin's way of naturally repairing itself.  These products are maintaining and managing the red and itchy inflammation.
  3. You need to flush out the accumulated toxins and irritants which have developed into eczema patches and we need to look after the skin's replacement cells.
4. During this healing process (where skin naturally replaces its cells every 4 weeks) it is essential that the new replacement skin cells are given special attention and protection so that they can catch up and make normal skin.  This is where Harley works his magic with the gently cleansing products and your EXeczema journey begins...

We are now an EXeczema household!  I intend to keep it that way, but always have Harley's products at hand just incase...
We continue to talk about how we cured James' eczema and would love to help others discover this way to achieving happy, healthy skin!
Get in touch!
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