28 hours home empowering
Giving birth naturally at home was my best, most empowered, mental life experience. EVER!
Here's the story. Twenty eight hours of it. Condensed and surmised for your pleasure!
My contractions began on the night of Good Friday (around midnight) and I tried sleeping through it, but I couldn't. This was partly due to being so excited that our baby was on its way and partly because they were quite strong so I couldn't. There weren't any set times for the surges but I'd say every one was within ten minutes or so. By 2am I got up and ran a bath, but by that time things had started to slow down. We felt a bit confused as we'd had loads of surges and all of a sudden they had slowed down. I told Andrew to go back to bed, but he was too excited and was reassuring me all the time that this stopping and starting was normal. Things continued like this well into the morning.
Andrew was such a brilliant birthing partner.
Through breathing, zoning out and Andrew's magic hand on my back they were completely manageable! No pain as such, just strong aches.My surges felt like strong period pain aches in my back.
Andrew had gone downstairs to get a hot water bottle for me, and I needed his hand! So I shouted 'Babes, hurry up will you! I need your hand!'
At about ten hours in, the contractions were still coming but still not in a regular pattern. I was coping fine, but it was getting on my nerves as I am impatient. We decided to ring the midwife unit at our local hospital to let them know that things had started with us. I also wasn't sure as to which (if any) midwife was on duty for home births as it was Easter weekend! They weren't sure who was on home birth duty so asked if I wanted to go down to see what's what... I declined. I was tired, but doing fine, and with said 'magic hand' I felt in control(ish).
Surges came and surges went, breathing in and breathing out, magic hand on and magic hand off...wax on wax off!
About 14 hours in, lo and behold! My favourite midwife got in touch saying that she had put herself on duty for us! Could you believe this?! During her family Easter weekend, this gem of a woman had wanted to come and help us deliver our baby! WOW!
I'm in awe of this lady's genuine caring nature!
Lovely Lyn (the amazing midwife) assures me that she'll finish off making her lasagne for her Easter weekend guests and be over to see what's what shortly.
...we eagerly await Lyn's arrival...
Meanwhile, I spoke to a couple of friends who'd had home births and they completely reassured me that the sporadic contractions (still within every 10 minutes mind) was completely normal and they told me I was doing well. This was brilliant to hear and it felt nice chatting and laughing with the girls, releasing more of that powerful oxytocin! Late afternoon, about 16 hours in, Lovely Lyn arrives! Another human! It had been just Ands, me and 'the hand' for sixteen hours now, so we welcomed a new face! We were delighted to hear that I'm 4cm dilated! Woo hoo! Even though progress was incredibly slow, things were moving in the right direction!A few times mid conversation I had to say 'oh hang on a minute, I've got one!' while I breathed my way through more surges, and our baby edged its way further down the birth canal. Totally surreal!
Lovely Lyn went home to make the guests garlic bread and promised she would come back to us later.
From this point on, the contractions got stronger and more regular so Ands inflated the pool in our living room and started to fill it with water. He was chuffed with this part, as this was 'his bit!'
I got in and listened to my relaxing music CD. It was so calming and relaxing and it helped me stay in the zone! This CD became my 'zen' influence later when I had a couple of melt downs!
About 20 hours in, Lovely Lyn arrived back as I was chilling in the pool, still contracting and still breathing. She tells me that the garlic bread is done, for this I was thankful, as this meant that she was staying a bit longer with us! This time she brought her gear and she was dressed for the big event. I was in my turquoise bikini to match the baby's turquoise towel! Things like this don't just happen by accident mind!
I remember being in the zone in the pool whilst Ands and Lovely Lyn were talking over my head whether or not to have a cup of tea! The conversation progressed onto them both describing how they liked their tea and whether or not they took sugar!
I couldn't be bothered to pipe up... 22 hours of surges had taken it out of me!
Shortly after the tea conversation, we were delighted to hear that I was 10cm dilated! Great! Not long now surely! I really thought our baby's birth was imminent... ummm not so much!
24 hours in, I had my first melt down. How much longer would this take? I cried. My body still hadn't had the urge to expel this baby. Andrew was exhausted too and now that his 'bit' was complete, he felt a bit helpless. I needed to get back in the zone, otherwise I knew things wouldn't progress. So, I went back in the pool and put my CD on...'...aaahhh Zen!'
I spent the next couple of hours, squatting, walking, jumping, lunging, stretching
...still nothing...
About 25 hours in, I had another melt down, this time pleading with Lovely Lyn not to make me go to hospital (not that she had suggested it)! I really didn't want to go! Even though I was exhausted, I knew how strong and capable my body was of doing this and I just had to relax and give it more time. I was managing fine, just fed up and impatient. Lovely Lyn was so full of encouragement and said that she wouldn't make me go to hospital... for that I am always eternally grateful. I found my 'zen' again (with CD of course!)
At 26 hours in, I went on to the sofa and Lyn said she could see the baby's head! I was elated and I guess hearing that amazing news gave my body the oxytocin it needed to push this baby down!Ands kept telling me how well we were doing which boosted me no end!
Finally, my body started pushing effectively!
27 hours in and my body is still pushing effectively, but still no baba, but I was so grateful to be doing this on my sofa! I started gas & air at some point, the TV wasn't on and there had been no mention of any more cups of tea!
My body was working SO hard to expel this baby. I was concentrating on breathing and managing to keep my jaw loose. FYI, your jaw is linked to your cervix and there was no way I was going to let that bad boy clam up after all these hours!
Another midwife arrives to assist Lovely Lyn, and I knew this baby would be coming soon! Both midwives were dressed appropriately with their plastic aprons on. Naturally, I was sweating and still in my bikini, whilst Ands sat there concerned worried about his clean white t-shirt.
The conversations at this time were about hair dressers, hair extensions and summer holidays in Dubai!Hour 28... I finally delivered the baby's head. I had 2 midwives at the 'goal end' and Ands was sat along side me on the sofa. The 'high' feeling I had delivering the head was INCREDIBLE! I still can't find the words to describe the elation I felt as I birthed the baby. I didn't feel any pain or burning sensations that I thought there might be.
I was so careful not to force the baby out as there was no way I was going to tear or have any stitches! So I just let my body do its thing and expelled this baby while I was flying high on natural oxytocin!I turned to Ands saying 'This is AMAZING!'
We forgot to look at the sex until Lyn said 'Well what is it then?'
Now, I thought, I think it's my turn for a cuppa!Oh yes! A perfect baby boy all 7lb 10oz of gorgeousness!
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