Stuck in the Squidge

"I still can't wear those jeans without looking like my seams will combust!"

"I can't get my ENORMOUS boobs in that top!" 

"  I'll just put on this shorts and T-shirt AGAIN !"  

I thought breast feeding melted away all traces of fatness ...!   

 I LOVE fashion, I LOVE clothes, I LOVE how they make me feel.  That is me, my identity and what I get excited about!

When I took a while to get back into my 'normal' fashion I thought a piece of me had died!  Bit of a dramatic statement? HAH!  Maybe... Ok, but I was unhappy in my post birth body for a fair while, seeming forever.

Recently, I left an online breast feeding clothes group because I felt its recent posts had become irrelevant to the group's main purpose:  to inform other feeding mothers if there is a nice item of clothing on the high street or online which makes it easy to whip them out!

Instead, the last few weeks seemed to be ladies showing off their GREAT post baby bodies in bikinis, skimpy dresses and fancy underwear, followed by a thousand comments of compliments such like "You look fab!"  "What baby?!" "What's your secret?!" blah blah!

Some of these GORGEOUS ladies were so early postpartum I couldn't believe how great they looked already.  While I totally love giving and receiving compliments and the positive boosting effect it has on us, I couldn't help feeling what the reality is like for some breast feeding mothers.  For me, and it seems a lot of girls, it took the best part of SIX MONTHS to feel comfortable and happy in my post baba body and in my normal person clothes.

I felt so crap and just not myself with regards to my fashion identity and my SQUIDGE was holding me back!

This wasn't because I sat on my ass all day eating crap!  In fact, I was the complete opposite!  I love exercise and how it makes us feel.  I exercised at high intensity but in quick bursts, as time was not in abundance.  I also ate foods high in nutrition but STILL nothing shifted!  IT DID MY HEAD IN!  I was a complete nightmare to my family and friends as well!  (Big sorry if you're reading!)

I honestly couldn't understand why my body just wouldn't release my post birth squidge !

I researched and I read so much that it became a type of obsession in understanding breast feeding hormones and it is only NOW that I understand what Mother Nature was doing (bloody head case she is!) and in fact, how amazing our bodies are!

Read on for the sciency bit...Dear Old Mother Nature is a-mazing and she has been around for a lot longer than we have - so maybe (I) we need to quit whinging and just listen...!

  • Your body has a mega high level of the 'pro lactin' hormone, which works with the pituitary gland to make your delicious milk.

  • As this is so high (and oestrogen and progesterone are low) it works like cortisol, the stress hormone, which slows your metabolism and clings to fat.

  • The prolactin rate is at its highest in the first six months post partum, and then it slowly declines after this.

  • In other words it is your body's way of protecting your lovely, new, dependent bundle of joy in case we have a famine or if you have forgotten to do the Tesco big shop! That way, if Mama goes hungry, baba won't!

  • Clever eh!?

If you're stuck in the squidge then you are not alone!


Chill out - Let's not fanny around (excuse the pun!) look at what you've created!  Hold, Squeeze and Kiss that baby and be thankful!  He/She doesn't care if you're in a top that is a size bigger or that your jeans won't button up!

Eat with nutrition in mind - Try to limit the junk and beige food.  Colour your plate like a RAINBOW It is far more tasty and pretty anyway!  I'm loving Deliciously Ella since I've gone much more plant based.

Exercise when you can - You're joking right?  I can't even wee in peace let alone exercise!  I totally get you !  Try doing a 15 minute session in the kitchen.  I used to put James in the FisherPrice Jumperoo and we used to jump around together!

Continue to feed - (if this is your choice) La Leche League say that some women find that they are slimmer in some places than before!  Hang in there...!  You never know!

Measure inches/cm - rather than weight on the scales.  The measurements might budge sooner than the scales and at least you'll see some differences and start to feel more positive about the squidge shift!

Don't compare yourself to others - one of my besties was back in her jeans after four months post baba and another after eight months!  You can be INSPIRED by others, but not compared with.

BE PROUD OF YOURSELFLook at how your baby is growing and developing!  You have done this single handedly!  WOW!  Let's just stop and think about that one.

Remember, your breast feeding journey is only temporary (I still need this re-enforcing 13 months on...)  One day, when your baby and you are ready, you will have YOUR body back to yourself.  Maybe to do it all over again! ha ha!

What you're doing is amazing for YOU BOTH so let's just chill and let Mother Nature do her thing!

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  1. Another genuine, realistic and inspiring blog x

    1. Thank you Joanna! I'm glad you enjoyed the read!! Xx

  2. My god this is EXACTLY how I felt after giving birth for the first time. I remember looking into my wardrobe of dowdy clothes, second had and needing to be thrown away as they were just 'done', but knowing it was pointless going out and buying new. Post part clothes can be a bit lack lustre, and I felt like I was losing a part of my identity. I mean you can deal with it when you have a bump, but when your breast feeding, your clothing choices are reduced even further. I'd go into get a t-shirt I was now able to pit into, and then realised there was no easy access to the boobs. :( I remember really losing my shit at one point. Almost like an adolescent. 'It's NOT FAIR!'....hilarious now....because the fat does of course go with more feeding. I wish we had more BF clothing choices that didn't cost a bloody arm and a leg!

    1. Hi Christine and thanks for your reply! Oh my gosh, the amount of times 'I lost my shit' was mental! Not only do you have to find tidy stuff to make you feel half decent, but which fit (as much as poss!) but you have to be able to get your boobs IN as well as OUT to feed!! Complete nightmare!! Haha! The things we have to endure eh...?!
