About Mammy Poppins

Hi! I'm Cathy, writer of Mammy Poppins!  Practically IMPERFECT in every way... yes!  Being a working Mammy these days is a complete juggling act and I wish on a daily (ok, hourly) basis that I had Mary Poppins powers!  Just a quick "spit spot" and a wave of a magic finger and the house is tidy, the tea is made and I would still look as fresh as a daisy! 

The reality is I am a Mammy, Teacher, Life Coach & Housewife and I'm cooking family tea one handed, the baby is helping himself to a punnet of plum tomatoes and smothering his tomatoed face and hands into my crisp white work shirt, then my Husband walks in 'oh what's for tea? oh and you've got something on your shirt!'  Oh really!? 

If only it was as simple as 'SpitSpot' !

Since having my baby boy, I am constantly learning on how to optimise (precious!) time in order to feel my best  and maintain high energy levels by being as active, mindful and nutritious as I can, without spending hours in the gym or hours in the kitchen! This blog space will share ideas and top tips so that we can all optimise our sleep deprived, precious time and to feel our BEST!
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