Stars, Stripes and Other Delights!

 High Street           Market Street          Small Shops        Hand Me Downs

Whether it's high street, market street, small shops or hand me downs - the Poppins' household love fashion and finding good quality fabric, fits and prints!  So, of course, there has to be a post on such things.

Stars, Stripes and Other Delights!

When buying from small shops, you not only find something stylish, unique and usually handmade, but you also get that extra buzz  because you're supporting hard work and helping somebody sustain their passion.

Recently we had two nice days of weather (woo hoo) and I couldn't wait for Jimmy to strut his stuff in this grey star romper from Sewkuddly
Handmade  Cute  Stylish  Modern
 Jimmy actually started walking here!
 At Sewkuddly the fabrics and prints are to die for!  Completely entrend, great fitting and superb quality.  It washes well, keeping its colour and shape (a very practical comment).


Keeping up with our stylish stars and the rubbish weather we are having...these star leggings from Fred & Noah are perfect to keep the chill off in our 'Summer' weather!
easy wearing   comfortable    statement

Totally in love with these leggings!
As soon as they're out of the wash, they're back on again!
Who doesn't love Scandanavia? I find their culture alluring, their designs unique, they give us great quality and value for money.  Not to mention their family values, work/life balance and their natural, holistic parenting styles....ooooh!  It makes me want to go NOW!  I've lost track...
What I want to share with you is this Stiriped Delight from Polarn O'Pyret - it means Buddy and the Little One (how cute!).  Their stuff has been available in the UK for about ten years now.
vibrant prints    stylish cuts    
They have amazing prints and style, and I don't need to mention that their fabric and cuts are of THE highest quality!  And they use a lot of organic cotton too!


Homemade Ice Lollies
Afterall, we are pretending we are in the heights of Summer!

 This idea came about very 'by mistake'... I noticed I had some 'Co-yo' that needed using up along with some mango.  So what better idea than to whizz them all together with a little lime juice, and freeze them in handy lolly trays...  Deeeelishh! 

Totally junk free for after tea!

 For more fashion, holisitic and nutritious ideas... check out insta @mammypoppins
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